The Mission of Seeking Simple Blog
Below is a list of common ailments. I am willing to bet that you have struggled with at least one at some point in your life, if not regularly. If that is the case, keep reading!
- Weight gain
- Acne
- Sleep irregularities
- Anxiety
- Fatigue
- Brain fog
- Lack of energy
- Hair loss
- Digestive issues
- PMS discomfort
- Irregular periods
- Food cravings
- Irritability
- Dry eyes
- Dizziness
- Blood sugar imbalances
If you have ever experienced any of these, then you are in the right place!
I am not a doctor and I have no medical degrees but I have experienced, at just 30 years old, every single issue listed above and have spent countless hours researching them.
Through this blog, I hope to help people become healthier, better versions of themselves. It took me years of research and lots of trial and error to finally get to a point where I feel REALLY GOOD. I want that for you too!
If you have been searching high and low for answers to your health questions, then keep reading!
In this post I will share:
- How I became weary of traditional medicine (and why you should too)
- My healing journey and why engaging with a Naturopath is your best chance for healing and recovery
- Why I created this blog and how it will help you achieve your best health
How I became weary of traditional (western) medicine and why you should too
Fifteen years ago my mom and best friend, was diagnosed with breast cancer. It broke me. I remember when my mom and dad sat me down in the living room after volleyball practice and told me the news. Just hearing the “C” word rocked my world.
Luckily they caught it early, she went through the necessary treatments and then it was time for her to go on Tamoxifen, a drug that a lot of doctors prescribe for breast cancer patients or those at risk. It is supposed to help ensure that the cancer does not return. It also has a laundry list of potential side effects including blindness and depression. WHAT? It MIGHT keep your cancer away and you could also go blind as a bonus. No thanks.
My mom took Tamoxifen for 30 days (you are supposed to take it for five years) and experienced so many side effects that she decided to quit taking it. She knew there had to be a better way to ensure her cancer never returned without experiencing all of the dangerous side effects of prescription drugs.
After months of research, we started changing our diet in a drastic way. We cut out a lot of processed foods and sugars and started cooking with organic ingredients. My mom is 15 years cancer free without taking any prescription medication.
My healing journey and why finding a Naturopath is your best chance for healing and recovery
Fast forward to 2021. I decided I needed to stop taking the birth control pill which had originally been prescribed to me for acne. Honestly, I was upset with myself for being on it as long as I had (12 years). I knew my skin would break out without it so I was hesitant to stop using it. When I went off the pill all hell broke loose!
I gained 10 pounds in two weeks, had so much brain fog I thought I was going to get fired from my job, my hair started falling out in literal clumps, and my digestive system went crazy. I’ll spare you those details. I was only 30 years old and was experiencing symptoms of menopause. What the heck! I frantically started researching and trying to find answers.
After multiple doctor’s visits, endocrinology visits, and blood tests, none of them could explain any of my symptoms. One doctor tried to put me on Spironolactone (a blood pressure medication). I remember thinking, why in the heck would I need blood pressure medication, when my blood pressure was completely normal? It didn’t make sense to me. My Endocrinologist didn’t even look at my labs or conduct any tests. She simply told me, I was getting older and there is no magic pill for weight loss. Oh really? Thanks {insert eye roll emoji}. I was so frustrated.
Months later, I had lost half of my hair, couldn’t fit into any of my clothes, and was worried about losing my job due to my lack of focus. I decided it was time to take a more natural approach which led me to finding a Naturopath.
The Naturopath immediately diagnosed my symptoms as PBCS or Post Birth Control Syndrome. It explained ALL of my issues and she started me on my road to recovery through natural supplements and a new eating plan.
It’s been a year now and I have lost 12 pounds, my hair is growing back, my skin looks fantastic, and I am focused and well rested again. It was such a crazy journey and I am so grateful for the things I have learned in the past year. While I was going through this and trying to figure out what was wrong with me, I kept thinking, I can’t be the only person that has had to deal with these issues, yet none of my traditional doctors could tell me what was wrong. They all just wanted to put me on prescription medication to mask my symptoms rather than actually figure out the root cause and heal me from within.
Why I created this blog and how it will help you achieve your best health
I started this blog because I know I am not the only person who has struggled with weight gain, sleep irregularities, acne, anxiety, brain fog, fatigue and hair loss. Even if you have never taken the birth control pill a day in your life, you probably can relate to at least one of the above symptoms and that’s where I want to help.
I feel compelled to share what I have learned and create a community for people who want to achieve their best health. There is so much conflicting information about how best to take care of ourselves. The goal of Seeking Simple is to break down the conflicting information and set you on a path to reaching your health goals.
Throughout this journey, we are going to dive into holistic nutrition, chemical free living, and finding clean alternatives to the foods and products that could be harming your health. We will learn how to promote hormonal harmony, weight loss, restful sleep, and more. You will feel and look AMAZING.
If you’re ready to get started, enter your email below to sign up for my newsletter. You will receive access to 3 of my favorite clean and simple recipes that aid in weight loss and promote hormonal health. Let’s do this!