3 Ways to Manage Food Cravings
(plus clean alternatives to stay on track without feeling deprived)
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Food cravings can be one of the hardest to resist. You can start your day off strong and be doing so well with your clean eating goals and then 2:00 pm rolls around and your body is telling you, “FEED ME NOW OR ELSE.” You hit the vending machine and the rest of the day feels like a free for all.
I’ve been there. In fact, I get legitimately irritable and cranky if I have to resist a sugar or salt craving. It’s not pretty. I also like to keep a healthy lifestyle and my weight in check. So how do we do both? Easy! In this post, I will share 3 methods to satisfy/manage cravings without messing with your health and weight loss goals.
I will cover:
- What causes food cravings
- Habits to implement that curb cravings
- Clean alternatives when the temptation is too great
If you’re tired of “falling off the wagon” with your health and weight loss goals but can’t fathom the thought of giving up that sweet or salty snack, then you’re in the right place!
What Causes Food Cravings?
People crave sugar or salt for a variety of different reasons. Our daily routines can have a lot to do with what we crave and when. If you are used to having dessert after dinner, then your body views that as a requirement after a meal simply because it is used to that routine. This is called a habit-forming behavior.
Sugary foods also trigger a release of dopamine, which is a “feel good” neurochemical in the brain. So, our bodies are literally telling us that eating sugar feels good. And who doesn’t want to feel good?
Another cause of cravings could be stress. When you are stressed, your body releases hormones that cause food cravings. This can be especially hard to manage because often times we turn to the quickest fix to dial down those cravings and attempt to lower that stress level. We may even do this without realizing it. It’s like a sneak attack from your brain.
Lack of sleep is another culprit. When we are sleepy and feeling tired, our bodies recognize that we need energy. What is a quick source of energy? Yep, all things carbs.
So, what can we do to curb these cravings and live a healthier lifestyle? Keep reading to find out.
Habits that Curb Cravings
Habit 1: Get enough sleep. I can’t stress this enough. Sleep is not only important for kicking cravings but also for general hormone health and bodily function. The best thing you can do for your body is to get on a sleep schedule and try to get at LEAST 8 hours of sleep per night.
Habit 2: Manage stress. It’s downright rude that our bodies tell us we need sugary foods when we are stressed. So, try to turn to other methods when you feel that anxiety creep up. My favorite method is deep breathing. I know it sounds cheesy but you will be amazed at how focusing on deep breathing for 60 seconds can calm your nerves instantly. Count to 3 as your breathing in, hold it for 4 counts, then slowly let it out for 5 counts. This is called 3-4-5 breathing. Give it a try next time you’re feeling overwhelmed.
Habit 3: Cut back. This doesn’t mean you need to quit cold turkey. I know, those are fightin’ words! However, it is a proven fact that people who eat fewer sugary/salty foods, have fewer cravings. So, if you’re used to eating dessert every night after dinner, try to go 3 days per week without and see how you do. This will help you change those habits and eventually crave less.
Clean Alternatives to Satisfy the Itch
Now for the fun part. If you’re like me, you don’t want to cut out your favorite treats. The best parts of life are the parts that we get to savor and enjoy. But we have to keep a balance between enjoyment and health and it is a fine line to walk. So, if you find yourself needing a clean alternative to keep your eating and weight loss goals on track, then I have the solution for you. Click HERE to order some Hu Kitchen essentials. They have everything from clean chocolate bars (my favorite) to snacking crackers and ALL are clean, healthy, treats. My favorite chocolate bars are the Crunchy Mint and the Cashew Butter but they are all SO GOOD. And because they are made with natural, whole ingredients, you can skip the guilt and stress and just enjoy them!
If you’re not quite convinced, you can also subscribe to my newsletter and receive 3 of my favorite SIMPLE recipes that aid in weight loss and hormonal harmony for FREE. I’ve included a delicious chocolate cherry smoothie recipe that will satisfy those cravings in the healthiest way!
Subscribe to get 3 FREE recipes
Sources- https://www.healthline.com