Ten Simple Habits to Improve Your Health in 2024
***Not Medical Advice***
Entering a new year can be a great opportunity to set goals that are full of hope, inspiration, and good intentions. If you’re like me, you struggle to stick to all of the lofty priorities you set for yourself in the new year.
Life tends to get in the way and I end up deleting my “NYE Goals” Note on my iPhone within 2-3 months into the new year because I’ve already failed.
I think I speak for all of us when I say, we want this year to be different. What if we could actually set goals for ourselves and achieve them? What if we really could achieve our best health this year? Maybe it’s the way we are going about them that makes them seem impossible to tackle. I have found that implementing smaller, micro-habits and avoiding the big, lofty, unrealistic goals has been a tremendous help not only in giving me a sense of accomplishment but in actually feeling and looking healthier.
I am going to share with you the ten simple health habits I have implemented within the last few years that have helped me achieve and stick to my health goals year after year.
So, if you’re sick of setting new year’s resolutions and never sticking to them, barely seeing results from your efforts, and want to change your life and improve your health for good, you are in the right place! Let’s get started!
Simple Habit #1: Prioritize sleep
Sleep is quite literally the most important thing you can do for your body. Lack of sleep impacts every other function in the body, causes hormonal imbalances, fatigue, affects mood and cognitive function, can lead to higher rates of dementia, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses. If you do nothing else for your health this year, make sleep your #1 priority and you will see benefits in other areas in addition to improved mood, brain function, energy, and even digestion. Stick to a STRICT bedtime between 8:30 and 9:30 pm every night, even on the weekends to support your circadian rhythm (your sleep/wake cycle).
Simple Habit #2: Get morning sunlight daily
On the topic of circadian rhythms, morning sunlight is another helpful habit that can promote restful sleep as well as decreased cortisol, improved cognitive function and stronger immune function. Getting sunlight directly on your face and eyes (no sunglasses) helps your brain register that it’s daytime which helps regulate the sleep/wake cycle. If your body has a chance to register when it’s daytime, it’s more likely to register nighttime as well, helping you fall and stay asleep. Try to expose yourself to morning sunlight once per day at least for minimum 10-15 minutes per day. This will also give you a small dose of vitamin D which helps strengthen the immune system and supports digestive health.
Simple Habit #3: Drink warm lemon water with salt when you wake up
Our liver processes MANY toxins every single day so giving it a little extra support first thing in the morning is an absolute must for better health and balanced hormones. Right when you wake up, pour yourself a glass of warmed water, add ½ tsp of salt and juice from half a lemon. The salt provides electrolytes and increases hydration and the lemon helps aid digestion and supports optimal liver function throughout the day. When I implemented this daily habit, I noticed more steady energy throughout the day and less tiredness and fatigue in the afternoons. I recommend Diamond Crystal Salt- it has been third party tested for heavy metals and came back squeaky clean and it’s not too bitter to drink.
Simple Habit #4: Implement deep breathing and/or meditation into your routine
I used to think deep breathing was bogus. I also thought meditation was for monks and hippies. So, take it from me when I say, these things make a difference and I know this because I finally broke down and started implementing them at a time of very high stress in my life. Deep breathing has been scientifically proven to decrease anxiety, depression, and lower stress in the body. I group this in with meditation because meditation often involves focusing on breathwork so either activity will get you the desired results you are looking for. The 4-7-8 breathing method is my personal favorite and involves inhaling for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling the breath for 8 seconds, completely emptying your lungs on the exhale. I do this every night before bed to help prepare myself for sleep.
Simple Habit #5: Practice gratitude daily
This is another one I struggled to take seriously until I tried it. It’s been proven in certain studies that practicing gratitude daily (listing things in your mind or on paper that you are grateful for) can increase dopamine, lower stress, and improve mental health. I like to start my day listing in my mind, all of the things I can think of that I am grateful for. I go until I can’t think of anything else. Adding this into your daily routine, while you’re getting ready in the morning, in the shower, during a run/workout, will change your life. I promise!
Simple Habit #6: Castor oil packs
This is my absolute favorite healthy habit I have added into my routine because it’s SO DANG EASY. A castor oil pack is a cotton “wrap” that you place around certain parts of your body with a drizzle of castor oil against your skin and let it soak from one to eight hours. Some people like to sleep in them. Castor oil stimulates lymphatic drainage, helps lower inflammation, and helps your liver process unwanted toxins. When I tell you I have noticed tremendous improvements in my digestion, inflammation, and even sleep from adding castor oil packs into my routine, I am not kidding. It’s been a total game changer for me. If you’re unsure of where to start with castor oil packs, this is the one I use and I love it. It is very easy to apply and less mess than a homemade pack.
Simple Habit #7: Crowd out processed foods
The concept of crowding out is an interesting one, and one that has helped me with my healthy eating goals. Crowding out simply means adding in more healthy, whole, organic, unprocessed foods into your diet. By adding things in, you naturally have less room for the processed, sugary, unhealthy stuff. For example, I try to add two cups of vegetables to every meal. By adding in this many veggies, I am so full by the end of the dinner meal, I can’t hardly think about dessert which has helped me remove some of the less healthy items from my diet. Pick something healthy you can add into your daily meal plans and you’ll most likely find that something less healthy has made its way out.
Simple Habit #8: Pick one thing to start buying organic
Organic eating is EXPENSIVE, it’s no secret. So, in 2024 simply choose one item that you routinely eat that you can start buying organic. You can work your way up from there if you choose and if the budget allows but it’s important to reduce pesticide exposure where and whenever possible.
Simple Habit #9: Go for a daily walk/move your body daily
Walking has been proven to reduce anxiety and supports lymphatic drainage. Even if you only have 5 minutes to spare, go for a quick walk. Daily movement of your muscles is critical for healthy hormones, managing stress and anxiety and can even improve mood and reduce fatigue. I try to go for a 10 -12 minute walk every day after lunch. Walking after a meal can help stimulate digestion and improve motility.
Simple Habit #10: Take breaks
Many of us work in sedentary jobs and sit for very long periods of time. It’s important to give our mind and body a break to reduce stress, increase lymphatic drainage, and support overall physical and mental health. Try to take a 20 -minute break every 90 minutes. Breaks can look like a walk outside, laying down and closing your eyes, making a quick meal or snack, or even calling a friend and sharing a laugh. If you prioritize taking periodic breaks, I think you’ll be surprised at your increased productivity, mental focus, and reduced feelings of stress.
This list may seem like a lot and it can be overwhelming trying to improve your health and reach your goals so pick two habits from this list to implement in 2024 and see how you feel! I’d love to hear your success stories too so be sure to write me and share your wins!
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